Preconception Care

Planning to start a family?
What you should know to ensure everyUntitled opportunity for natural fertility, an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy baby!
Preconception care
Preconception care is the ultimate in preventative medicine. Ideally both partners have the opportunity to assess and address any issues that may compromise fertility, as well as take the time to reduce any toxic exposure, achieve a healthy body composition and build nutritional credit to give every opportunity for fertility, an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy baby. Stress and nutrition are major environmental signals that influence both fertility and the developing foetus, making these important areas of focus to educate prospective parents in the preconception phase of growing their family.

Preconception care should ideally begin at least 4 months prior to the conception attempts. This preparation time is necessary as the ova take 3 months to mature and 2- 4 months for sperm to develop. Ensuring the health of sperm and ova by managing oxidative stress, reducing toxicity and providing nutritional support notably reduces the risk of miscarriage and supports a full term uncomplicated pregnancy.

Men are often overlooked in the preconception stages, but their contribution of half the genetic material is, of course, extremely important. Sperm production requires adequate nutritional levels and an absence of chemicals – since sperm are susceptible to oxidative damage from temperature, environmental and dietary toxins, toxins and radiation, so including both partners in a preconception care program is vital.

Factors that indicate Preconception Care for both partners

 Hormonal imbalances
 Increasing age
 Stress & fatigue
 Poor diet & nutrition
 Poor digestion
 Toxicity & chemical exposure
 Drugs – including caffeine, tobacco & alcohol
 Pollution
 Oxidative damage due to exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
 Genitourinary infections (e.g., Chlamydia and Mycoplasma)
 Immune dysregulation and/or inflammation
 Thyroid disorders
 Anaemia
 Sperm antibodies
 Cervical mucous quality and quantity
 Poor sperm motility
 Prostate infection
 Prostate fluid insufficiency
 Excessive or deficient exercise
 History of oral contraceptive use
 Medications
 Past pregnancy

For more information or to book an appointment with our Nutritionist Tarryn please contact the clinic on
03 8751 5271

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